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Oyster Wars combines the fluid movement and clever level design of Celeste with the world and dungeon design of The Legend Of Zelda. The dash of Celeste is replaced with an intuitive hookshot mechanic that is used to grapple to walls, grab items, and keep enemies at bay.

Experience a blend of intense platforming and rich systemic design, where every item and enemy is interconnected. Players will explore non-linear puzzle-box dungeons connected by a compact open world. Within these dungeons, they consult maps, hunt down keys, and manipulate elements like water levels and conveyor belts.

Step into the shoes of Wade, an oyster farmer bent on revenge against Sven, the CEO of the Man's End Oyster Company. After stripping Wade's home island of its resources and leaving it polluted and desolate, Sven plans to move his operations, leaving the community jobless and the environment in ruin.